The Awards
Brightcon 2022 started a new part of the conference: the brightcon awards. With the help of our Sponsors, Brightcon 2022 had 4 awards. 2 awards for individual contribution and 2 for team contribution.We wish to our Palladium Sponsors for making this possible. The award winners were presented by our Palladium Sponsors, at the end of the Conference.
Team contribution Awards
Award presented by our Sponsor CircularTree to the Activity Browser team
for their contribution to brightway. Mark van der Meide was present during the conference receiveing the award from the hands of Katrhina Adam, on behalf of the whole team. Bernhard Steubing was there via zoom. AB serves a lot beginners giving them the possiblity to do things with brightway quickly, with a friendly user interface. CircularTree works with blockchain based solutions. They solutions they propose include means to deal with the issues associated to producing environmental footprinting: the need for data primary data and gaps in data.

Award presented by the Ecoinvent Associationto the NTNU Industrial Ecology Digital Laboratory
for their contribution to open sustainability. The NTNU Industrial ecology digital laboratory has been consistently publishing high quality software and data that are very valuable in the open sustainability ecosystem. David Fitzgerald presented the award to Konstantin Stadler on behalf of the NTNU Industrial Ecology Digital Laboratory. The award recognizes the work done to regularly update, with a consisten format the open database EXIOBASE. The mission of ecoinvent is to publish high quality data, as transparent and reliable as possible for sustainability assessment. They are interested to follow the development in the open source community around LCA because open source makes it easy for people to use the ecoinvent data in their assessments. This is why they are sponsoring Brightcon.

Individual contribution Awards
Award presented by our Sponsor Sanofi to Romain Sacchi
for his contribution to open sustainability. Romain is involved not only in premise, but in different packages of the brightway ecosystem, regularly producing new features and helping patching bugs. The award was presented by Julien Martin and Achille Laurent from Sanofi, a pharmaceutical company with a huge portfolio of products. The Sanofi team present in the conference included a Scrum Master, a Tech lead, a Product Owner, and an LCA manager and LCA expert. Sanofi is engaged with the COP 21 challenges, and wishes to ecodesign their products in the short and mid-term (2025, 2030). For this, they are building an "Ecodesign Digital Intelligence" tool that they would like to present in future editions of Brightcon.

Award presented to by Sponsor RTE Benjamin Portner
for his contribution to Brightway. Benjamin has been active writing issue discriptions, helping to provide solutions for issues, and participating in past Brightcon editions both in the conference and hackathons. Benjamin received the award from the hands of Guillaume Busato. Rte is an energy operator in France, hence key player in transition scenarios. They started using Brightway in their LCA work to go from a "product" to a prospective "system" approach. With Brightway, they produced the "Futurs énérgetiques 2050" report with 6 scenarios regarding the evolution of the French electricity supply, as well as their interconnections with the European grid. Rte is ready to propose specific sessions for next Brightcon editions, as well as to support the Brightway community.