What's new in Brightcon 2022 ?

During Brightcon 2021, participants answered a poll to indicate how Brightcon could be improved. You can see the different answers as a word cloud below. word cloud things to improve brightcon 2021


The continuous development of Brightcon will focus this year on interactivity.

Classes for beginners and advanced users of Brightway

One of the best places to learn about brightway2 and brightway25 is Brightcon, because you can directly interact with the developers. Don't miss this opportunity to start learning or improve your brightway skills.

Talks with running code

Besides the selected talks invited by the organizing comittee, talks selected by a reviewing committee this year will feature code that can actually be run by participants.

Lightning talks

A session with Pecha Kucha style lightning talks is part of the agenda this year.

Questions and Answers session

If you ever wanted to rant or ask a specific question, you'll have a chance this year in the dedicated sessions.


Promoting citizen science

You will have the opportunity to join the network of people doing air quality measurement world-wide. An open source monitoring device will be available for buying during the conference, and a keynote related to the sensoring community will give you context on how to use such devices.

Due to the very low demand, this part of Brightcon will not take place this year. You can still buy your own sensor, build it, contribute and maybe even present your experience during Brighcon 2023.


In Brightcon 2022 there will be an oportunity to shine with your coding, chart creation and problem solving skills. A few weeks ahead of the conference, a contest will be published in the conference website. All registered participants will have a chance to present their solution during the conference, and the best solutions will receive a prize: 800 € for the first place, 500 € for the second place and 200 € for the third place. The rules and the details of the contest will be published on the conference website and through the brightcon mailing list. See the details on: Call for contest dedicated page in the website.